As the university grows and more special events are produced across all campuses, the need to capture all the production details is important for the safety of all employees and visitors to Arizona State University.
The Special Event Registry connects ASU event coordinators and producers with ASU safety collaborators for event safety review.
Anyone with an ASURite Username and Password may enter the site by logging in with the Sign In link in the header.
After logging in, users will see links in the menubar to:
- Quick Start - pages with information on the new website
- Upcoming Events - a calendar of all events submitted to the Registry by users
- My Dashboard - the user's event management dashboard
To submit a new event registry form, look for the "Submit a New Event Registry Form" link in the menubar.
Note: Submitting a Special Event Registry form provides information to ASU Safety Collaborators for review. The ASU Event Coordinator is still responsible for any other contracts or agreements required for the successful production of their event, including room reservations, rental agreements, alcohol permits, etc.